Transformative Coaching
Upgrade your Identity and become a Magnet for your true Destiny
Experience eureka moments, deep inner peace, inspired performance & enhanced relationships.

Myra has a background in Rapid Transformational Therapy TM (see below), Mindfulness Training (see below), Career Coaching and Yoga which makes her a highly intuitive Coach, uniquely qualified to support her clients on their journey of personal development.
Her clients find her or are recommended to her by previous clients.
After a 30 minute free intro chat, with mutual agreement, Myra offers 3 different types of Coaching Programmes.
She does not offer single sessions.
You’ve got absolutely nothing to lose and perhaps a lot to gain by having that free chat…
Myra has been trained in person by Marisa Peer, founder of RTT™ . This is a hybrid therapy that offers extraordinary results, combining the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, NLP, Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Its founder Marisa Peer, has been named Best British Therapist by Men’s Health magazine and featured in the prestigious ‘Tatler’s Guide to Britain’s 250 Best Doctors’.
Sometimes clients desire a rapid change and this method is safe and cutting edge and produces a rapid transformational effect on clients, freeing them from their fears and emotional blockages.
NB: a therapist displaying an RTT™ logo on their website will have received personal tuition from Marisa Peer as she is the only person that teaches her innovative approach which is endorsed by the General Hypnotherapy Register, the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council, the National and International Council of Psychotherapists, the American Board of Hypnotherapy, the International Association of Complementary Therapists, the International Institute of Complementary Therapies and many other International bodies.
Myra has delivered numerous Mindfulness training programmes both in the Workplace for large corporate companies and also through adult education.
The threads of Mindfulness infuse all of Myra’s coaching as the practise of living in the present moment is so vital for all of her clients.
The big takeaway for me in working with Myra is that it’s ok not to know. The journey home to the essence of who I am and what I have survived, so empowering and transformational. Changing the thoughts, connecting to my own inner wisdom. After coaching sessions I am increasingly remaining in an enthusiastic and curious state, more curious vs. anxious and overwhelmed by thinking through so many possibilities. I don’t have my ‘answer’ yet but incredible synchronicities have immerged on several occasions post coaching session, and these experiences remind me that when I can relax into a state of trust, my intuition becomes hypersensitive and my inner wisdom immerges as my guide. So grateful for the energy and space that Myra facilitates in our sessions. I would highly recommend her as a Coach.
Guen T, Vice-President, Executive Relationship Manager, Seattle
Myra is kind, compassionate and takes time to understand you. She has been my Coach and I have had Rapid Transformational Therapy sessions also, all from which I have benefitted immensely. She has helped me build back my confidence and clarity and create a more positive approach to life. I highly recommend her as a Coach. She is very professional and certainly goes the extra mile.
Yvonne V, Business Coach & leader, Belfont, California
At the height of the pandemic during lockdown I was really struggling to cope, suffering from severe anxiety, dreading each day jumping every time the phone rang and that constant feeling of fear. Life had not been a bed of roses before this but everything was heightened with what was going on. A friend recommended Myra, I was adamant that I had done my fair share of counselling in the past and I really did not want to write any more paragraphs about my childhood, but she assured me that this would be different. I have benefitted enormously from our Coaching and Rapid Transformational Therapy sessions and I would truly recommend Myra and the Transformational Coaching which she delivers. I can now see the wood from the trees and I am confident that there is a much brighter future ahead for me. I know that I still have some way to go and work to do but I feel at last I am in control of my own life.
Thank you Myra.
Hilary D, Business Owner, Dublin, Ireland
I knew that what had got me ‘here’ in life would not get me ‘there’ in terms of next level success and personal happiness. Myra has helped amplify my life journey on all levels, working with her in the safe space she provides has allowed me to experience deep personal transformation and to imagine a much bigger vision for where I go next. As my coach she is invaluable.
Emma G, CEO, Brentwood, Essex, UK
‘I was first introduced to Myra in her role as a career coach when seeking a new role following a business restructure where my position was made redundant.
Myra proved to be an excellent listener and really helped me to gather my thoughts, provide clarity and plan a clear route for my next move.
Some 6 years later Myra reached out to me again at a different stage of both of our life journeys. Once again her listening skills came to the fore and she was quickly able to understand the key issues and provide valuable insight and clarity. Most of all she has made me realise that our potential is limitless and the only thing stopping me from realising that potential is me!’
Russel R, Banking Director, Essex UK
I immediately felt comfortable with Myra the moment I met her. Her warm and kind disposition made this possible.
Myra and I worked together in one online session to help me break my bad habit of smoking for the last thirty three years along with other unhelpful habits intertwined with smoking, like drinking. She helped me establish the psychological attachments I had to smoking as well as reframe my perspective on life by tying in the suggestion of positive habits that would enhance my life, like exercise. By doing this Myra helped me to retrain my thought process and ensure that smoking did not have to be a part of my life anymore. I had attempted to quit smoking using the Allen Carr programme previously which was successful for a short time but Myra nailed it for me because of her tailored approach to my individual and personal circumstances.
It has been four and a half weeks now and I cannot express how free I feel after not smoking for this long. I feel strong and empowered and ready to face the next phase of my life as a non-smoking, clean air breather. Thank you so much Myra!
Alison D, Gestalt Therapist, Essex UK
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