Looking for a Mindfulness Coach?

Mindfulness coaching improves mental health and self compassion as you become more aware of your feelings in the present moment. Wellbeing and mindset improve when you become free from ruminating about the past and catastrophising about the future.

In mindfulness training, through your practice you experience an improvement in your happiness with more balanced emotions and acquire a more optimistic perspective on life.

However this is a process that will not happen unless you actually complete the mindfulness training over 6-8 weeks, reading about it is just not enough, it is all about your understanding and what you gain from experiential learning.

Looking for a Mindfulness Coach?

Mindfulness coaching improves mental health and self compassion as you become more aware of your feelings in the present moment. Wellbeing and mindset improve when you become free from ruminating about the past and catastrophising about the future.

In mindfulness training, through your practice you experience an improvement in your happiness with more balanced emotions and acquire a more optimistic perspective on life.

However this is a process that will not happen unless you actually complete the mindfulness training over 6-8 weeks, reading about it is just not enough, it is all about your understanding and what you gain from experiential learning.

Benefits that you can expect from a Mindfulness Practice

In my experience and those of the many people I have taught Mindfulness to, learning the practice of Mindfulness will bring its practitioners many benefits, such as:

Better Communication

By staying in the present moment, you are more focused, listen better, respond more effectively, retain more information and so can have better and more powerful conversations.

As you become calmer you will be much less likely to fly off the handle, thus relations will improve with your loved ones and colleagues as you learn to respect their space through this process.

Improved memory & focus

Because you are more focused you can retain more information and your working memory improves. You concentrate better as your mind is less distracted.

Become more positive

Mindfulness meditation dials down the inherent negativity bias that our brains come hardwired with and literally makes you more positive. You only need as little as 10 minutes a day to start reaping the rewards.

Improved relationships

You will find yourself becoming more compassionate, less judgemental and more curious as your emotional intelligence improves and your relationships with your loved ones and colleagues will benefit from these changes.

Better sleep

Sleep deprivation reduces cognitive function and impacts one’s ability to focus, which is bad news in the workplace. Over time it can really impact overall wellbeing and set you up for future disease, such as Alzheimers.

A body scan meditation, for example, one of the popular Mindfulness meditations in both MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy) & MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) teaching, guides one through a process that can help one relax and enjoy a good night’s sleep.

Turbo-charged life coaching

When you practice mindfulness, life becomes a richer experience as you notice more, your lens of perception is sharper and free of past regrets. As people learn to fully inhabit their lives, they appreciate everything more, such as nature, people and food. You recall specific events more easily as you fully experience them. Your life and memories take on more texture. It gives you more time in a sense.

Mindfulness coaching can be the start of your personal journey towards a more mindful, balanced, and fulfilling life. This guidance will provide you with the tools and techniques needed to transform your mindset and allow you to unlock your full potential.

You develop your observing self and your own thoughts and are much less likely to get caught up in any revved up thinking.

You are more than a ‘brain on a stick’
You are not a brain on a stick, i.e. you are a spiritual being having a physical experience. You will start to notice that there is a constant mind body feedback loop going on inside yourself. By just paying attention to the body, you will instantly feel calmer and observe much faster when and where your body is holding tension and release it faster.

History of Mindfulness

There have been meditation traditions for thousands of years for notably within Buddhism and yoga.

Mindfulness as we know it today is generally acknowledged to come from the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn in the 1970s.

Jon Kabat-Zinn:

is (although now retired) an American Professor emeritus of medicine and was the creator of the ‘Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. He noticed in his work with patients suffering from depression and unexplained pain that some simple meditation exercise and yoga stretches brought relief to his patients and so was born MBSR or Mindfulness based Stress Reduction. You can read more about his work in the excellent book Full Catastrophe Living

Most Mindfulness teaching consists of MBSR as above or MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy) or as Myra McHale likes to teach it a mixture of both.

The 7 Pillars of Mindfulness

Jon Kabat-Zinn coined the the 7 pillars of Mindfulness:

  • Non-judging
  • Patience
  • Beginner’s Mind
  • Trust
  • Non-Striving
  • Acceptance
  • Letting Go
The present moment is the right time to start

Don’t let challenges and stress overwhelm and control your life or indeed by association the lives of your loved ones any longer. In a coaching/training session you will learn the skills and techniques you need. You will experience how mindfulness helps you experience the calm, clarity, and resilience you’ve always desired.

Think better than you feel

You will understand that as your mind created these thoughts that give rise to anxiety and suffering, you can find the space that you need to banish depression and overcome any challenges you may have. Progress can happen very fast indeed with a little help.

Unlock your full potential

When you discover the power of mindfulness and integrate it into your life you unlock your full potential and achieve more. Allow yourself to be guided on your path to greater calmness, enhanced well-being, and a truly balanced life.

Frequently Asked Questions

You do not have to join a monastery and spend hours meditating (unless you want to of course) to achieve the above results, as little as 10 minutes a day devoted to this process over a 6 week period will make you aware how you can really experience life in a new way that enhances your wellbeing and overall happiness.

It really is possible to discover your unique path to inner peace with the help of my training and coaching. I am highly experienced in mindfulness coaching both within the workplace and within group settings. As an accomplished life and personal development Coach I blend all my knowledge and experience to create a powerful life coaching experience for my clients.

Help with reducing anxiety

If life’s ups and downs are getting you down in your busy life, then the introduction of mindfulness and meditation into your daily life will transform your life. I have seen it happen many times both within group settings and within personal coaching and my own experiences makes me a great advocate of this training.

If, for instance, your increasing blood pressure is starting to concern you, people often become so much calmer after learning to become more mindful and such health symptoms may dramatically improve or disappear. It is no exaggeration to say that Mindfulness saves people’s lives. Anxiety and depression often decreases or disappears and quality of sleep dramatically improves. Mindfulness can save your life by allowing you to live with less stress and to see life through a different lens of perception.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or struggling to achieve mental clarity there is relief in sight from learning to live your life in a more mindful way. Mindfulness coaching helps calm a busy mind and helps you break unhelpful habits and take things less personally. Mindfulness coaching sessions are highly effective at helping individuals find some space between the stimulus of stress and their emotional response.

Mindfulness coaching In today’s fast-paced world allows you freedom from getting caught up in the whirlwind of thoughts, emotions, and endless tasks. You can also cut yourself some slack and show yourself compassion. A mindfulness coach is the key to unlocking a world of tranquility, focus, joy and self-awareness. If you are ready to:

  • Be present in the moment and cultivate self-awareness
  • Reduce stress and anxiety through mindfulness techniques
  • Improve mental clarity and decision-making capabilities
  • Boost emotional intelligence and build stronger relationships
  • Enhance overall well-being and life satisfaction

I am a mindfulness coach who is an expert with years of experience in helping people achieve mental, emotional, and spiritual balance. By choosing me as your mindfulness coach, you will benefit from:

  • Personalized coaching sessions tailored to your unique needs and goals
  • Proven mindfulness techniques backed by scientific research
  • Access to exclusive resources, including guided meditations and mindfulness exercises
  • Ongoing support and guidance throughout your journey
  • A compassionate and non-judgmental approach that promotes healing, growth and a flexible mindset.
What are the next steps?

You can begin Your Transformation today.

My experience in teaching mindfulness coupled with my background in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Career Coaching and Yoga teaching make me a highly intuitive Coach.The resulting peace that this brings to one’s life is a fundamental part of the wisdom I share with clients.

If you want to explore how I can help you, then click the button below, I always offer the 1st session, up to 30 minutes, completely free and without obligation to continue, so that’s a good place to start.